Building XFree86® from a Source Distribution : Other useful make targets
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6. Other useful make targets

There are some other useful targets defined in the top level Makefile of XFree86:


After a make World, make Everything replicates make World except for the cleaning of the source tree. make Everything very quickly rebuilds the tree after a source patch, but there are times when it is better to force a full build by using make World.


This does a partial cleaning of the source tree. Removes object files and generated manual pages, but leaves the Makefiles and the generated dependencies files in place. After a make clean you need to re-run

        make includes
        make depend
to rebuild the XFree86.


This does a full cleaning of the source tree, removing all generated files. After a make distclean, make World is the only option to rebuild XFree86.


This generates all generated header files and in-tree symbolic links needed by the build. These files are removed by a make clean.


This recomputes the dependencies for the various targets in all Makefiles. Depending on the operating system, the dependencies are stored in the Makefile, or as a separate file, called .depend. This target needs the generated include files produced by make includes.


This displays the detected operating system version. If the numbers shown do not match your system, you probably need to set them manually in host.def and report the problem to [email protected] .

Building XFree86® from a Source Distribution : Other useful make targets
Previous: Reconfiguring the server (using the source distribution)
Next: Building XFree86® from a Source Distribution