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pcitweak - read/write PCI config space


pcitweak -l
pcitweak -r PCI-ID [-b|-h] offset
pcitweak -w PCI-ID [-b|-h] offset value


Pcitweak is a utility that can be used to examine or change registers in the PCI configuration space. On most platfoms pcitweak can only be run by the root user.


Probe the PCI buses and print a line for each detected device. Each line contains the bus location (bus:device:function), chip vendor/device, card (subsystem) vendor/card, revision, class and header type. All values printed are in hexadecimal.
Read the PCI configuration space register at offset for the PCI device at bus location PCI-ID. PCI-ID should be given in the form bus:device:function, with each value in hexadecimal. By default, a 32-bit register is read.
Write value to the PCI configuration space register at offset for the PCI device at bus location PCI-ID. PCI-ID should be given in the form bus:device:function, with each value in hexadecimal. By default, a 32-bit register is written.
Read or write an 8-bit value (byte).
Read or write a 16-bit value (halfword).

See Also



David Dawes ([email protected]).

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